Tag Archives: memory safety

It is time to standardize principles and practices for software memory safety

In an article in the February, 2025 issue of Communications of the ACM, I join 20 coauthors from across academia and industry in writing about the remarkable opportunity for universal strong memory safety in low-level Trusted Computing Bases (TCBs) enabled by recent advances in type- and memory-safe systems programming languages (e.g., the Rust language), hardware memory protection (e.g., our work on CHERI), formal methods, and software compartmentalisation. These technologies are seeing increasing early deployment in critical software TCBs, but struggle to make headway at scale given real costs and potential disruption stemming from their adoption combined with unclear market demand despite widespread recognition of the criticality of this issue. As a result, billions of lines of memory-unsafe C/C++ systems code continue to make up essential TCBs across the industry – including Windows, Linux, Android, iOS, Chromium, OpenJDK, FreeRTOS, vxWorks, and others. We argue that a set of economic factors such as high opportunity costs, negative security impact as an externality, and two-sided incomplete information regarding memory safety lead to limited and slow adoption despite the huge potential security benefit: It is widely believed that these techniques would have deterministically eliminated an estimated 70% of critical security vulnerabilities in these and other C/C++ TCBs over the last decade.

In our article, we describe how developing standards for memory-safe systems may be able to help enable remedies by making potential benefit more clear (and hence facilitating clear signalling of demand) as well as permitting interventions such as:

  • Improving actual industrial practice
  • Enabling acquisition requirements that incorporate memory-safety expectations
  • Enabling subsidies or tax incentives
  • Informing international discussions around software liability
  • Informing policy interventions for specific, critical classes of products/use cases
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