JPEG canaries: exposing on-the-fly recompression

Many photo-sharing websites decompress and compress uploaded images, to enforce particular compression parameters. This recompression degrades quality. Some web proxies can also recompress images/videos, to give the impression of a faster connection.

In Towards copy-evident JPEG images (with Markus Kuhn, in Lecture Notes in Informatics), we present an algorithm for imperceptibly marking JPEG images so that the recompressed copies show a clearly-visible warning message. (Full page demonstration.)

Original image:

Original image

After recompression:

The image after recompression, with a visible warning message

(If you can’t see the message in the recompressed image, make sure your browser is rendering the images without scaling or filtering.)

Richard Clayton originally suggested the idea of trying to create an image which would show a warning when viewed via a recompressing proxy server. Here is a real-world demonstration using the Google WAP proxy.

Our marking technique is inspired by physical security printing, used to produce documents such as banknotes, tickets, academic transcripts and cheques. Photocopied versions will display a warning (e.g. ‘VOID’) or contain obvious distortions, as duplication turns imperceptible high-frequency patterns into more noticeable low-frequency signals.

Our algorithm works by adding a high-frequency pattern to the image with an amplitude carefully selected to cause maximum quantization error on recompression at a chosen target JPEG quality factor. The amplitude is modulated with a covert warning message, so that foreground message blocks experience maximum quantization error in the opposite direction to background message blocks. While the message is invisible in the marked original image, it becomes visible due to clipping in a recompressed copy.

The challenge remains to extend our approach to mark video data, where rate control and adaptive quantization make the copied document’s properties less predictable. The result would be a digital video that would be severely degraded by recompression to a lower quality, making the algorithm useful for digital content protection.

Another Gawker bug: handling non-ASCII characters in passwords

A few weeks ago I detailed how Gawker lost a million of their users’ passwords. Soon after this I found an interesting vulnerability in Gawker’s password deployment involving the handling of non-ASCII characters. Specifically, they didn’t handle them at all until two weeks ago, instead they were mapping all non-ASCII characters to the ASCII ‘?’ prior to hashing them. This not only greatly limited the theoretical space of passwords, but meant that passwords consisting of any n non-ASCII characters were equivalent to ‘?’^n. Native Telugu or Korean speakers with passwords like ‘రహస్య సంకేత పదం’ or ‘비밀번호’ were vulnerable to an attacker simply guessing a string of question marks. An attacker may in fact know in advance that some users are from non-Latin countries (for example by looking at their email addresses) potentially making this more easily exploitable.

Continue reading Another Gawker bug: handling non-ASCII characters in passwords

Everyone’s spam is unique

How much spam you get depends on three main things, how many spammers know (or guess) your email address, how good your spam filtering is, and of course, how active the spammers are.

A couple of years back I investigated how spam volumes varied depending on the first letter of your email address (comparing with, with the variations almost certainly coming down to “guessability” (an email address of john@ is easier to guess than yvette@).

As to the impact of filtering, I investigated spam levels in the aftermath of the disabling of McColo — asking whether it was the easy-to-block spam that disappeared? The impact of that closure will have been different for different people, depending on the type (and relative effectiveness) of their spam filtering solution.

Just at the moment, as reported upon in some detail by Brian Krebs, we’re seeing a major reduction in activity. In particular, the closure of an affiliate system for pharmacy spam in September reduced global spam levels considerably, and since Christmas a number of major systems have practically disappeared.

I’ve had a look at spam data going back to January 2010 from my own email server, which handles email for a handful of domains, and that shows a different story!

It shows that spam was up in October … so the reduction didn’t affect how many of the spam emails came to me, just how many “me’s” there were worldwide. Levels have been below the yearly average for much of December, but I am seeing most (but not all of) the dropoff since Christmas Day.

Click on the graph for an bigger version… and yes, the vertical axis is correct, I really do get up to 60,000 spam emails a day, and of course none at all on the days when the server breaks altogether.

A Merry Christmas to all Bankers

The bankers’ trade association has written to Cambridge University asking for the MPhil thesis of one of our research students, Omar Choudary, to be taken offline. They complain it contains too much detail of our No-PIN attack on Chip-and-PIN and thus “breaches the boundary of responsible disclosure”; they also complain about Omar’s post on the subject to this blog.

Needless to say, we’re not very impressed by this, and I made this clear in my response to the bankers. (I am embarrassed to see I accidentally left Mike Bond off the list of authors of the No-PIN vulnerability. Sorry, Mike!) There is one piece of Christmas cheer, though: the No-PIN attack no longer works against Barclays’ cards at a Barclays merchant. So at least they’ve started to fix the bug – even if it’s taken them a year. We’ll check and report on other banks later.

The bankers also fret that “future research, which may potentially be more damaging, may also be published in this level of detail”. Indeed. Omar is one of my coauthors on a new Chip-and-PIN paper that’s been accepted for Financial Cryptography 2011. So here is our Christmas present to the bankers: it means you all have to come to this conference to hear what we have to say!

Financial Cryptography and Data Security 2011 — Call for Participation

Financial Cryptography and Data Security (FC 2011)
Bay Gardens Beach Resort, St. Lucia
February 28 — March 4, 2011

Financial Cryptography and Data Security is a major international forum for research, advanced development, education, exploration, and debate regarding information assurance, with a specific focus on commercial contexts. The conference covers all aspects of securing transactions and systems.

NB: Discounted hotel rate is available only until December 30, 2010

Topics include:

Anonymity and Privacy, Auctions and Audits, Authentication and Identification, Backup Authentication, Biometrics, Certification and Authorization, Cloud Computing Security, Commercial Cryptographic Applications, Transactions and Contracts, Data Outsourcing Security, Digital Cash and Payment Systems, Digital Incentive and Loyalty Systems, Digital Rights Management, Fraud Detection, Game Theoretic Approaches to Security, Identity Theft, Spam, Phishing and Social Engineering, Infrastructure Design, Legal and Regulatory Issues, Management and Operations, Microfinance and Micropayments, Mobile Internet Device Security, Monitoring, Reputation Systems, RFID-Based and Contactless Payment Systems, Risk Assessment and Management, Secure Banking and Financial Web Services, Securing Emerging Computational Paradigms, Security and Risk Perceptions and Judgments, Security Economics, Smartcards, Secure Tokens and Hardware, Trust Management, Underground-Market Economics, Usability, Virtual Economies, Voting Systems

Important Dates

Hotel room reduced rate cut-off: December 30, 2010
Reduced registration rate cut-off: January 21, 2011

Please send any questions to

Continue reading Financial Cryptography and Data Security 2011 — Call for Participation

The Gawker hack: how a million passwords were lost

Almost a year to the date after the landmark RockYou password hack, we have seen another large password breach, this time of Gawker Media. While an order of magnitude smaller, it’s still probably the second largest public compromise of a website’s password file, and in many ways it’s a more interesting case than RockYou. The story quickly made it to the mainstream press, but the reported details are vague and often wrong. I’ve obtained a copy of the data (which remains generally available, though Gawker is attempting to block listing of the torrent files) so I’ll try to clarify the details of the leak and Gawker’s password implementation (gleaned mostly from the readme file provided with the leaked data and from reverse engineering MySQL dumps). I’ll discuss the actual password dataset in a future post. Continue reading The Gawker hack: how a million passwords were lost

Wikileaks, security research and policy

A number of media organisations have been asking us about Wikileaks. Fifteen years ago we kicked off the study of censorship resistant systems, which inspired the peer-to-peer movement; we help maintain Tor, which provides the anonymous communications infrastructure for Wikileaks; and we’ve a longstanding interest in information policy.

I have written before about governments’ love of building large databases of sensitive data to which hundreds of thousands of people need access to do their jobs – such as the NHS spine, which will give over 800,000 people access to our health records. The media are now making the link. Whether sensitive data are about health or about diplomacy, the only way forward is compartmentation. Medical records should be kept in the surgery or hospital where the care is given; and while an intelligence analyst dealing with Iraq might have access to cables on Iraq, Iran and Saudi Arabia, he should have no routine access to stuff on Korea or Brazil.

So much for the security engineering; now to policy. No-one questions the US government’s right to try one of its soldiers for leaking the cables, or the right of the press to publish them now that they’re leaked. But why is Wikileaks treated as the leaker, rather than as a publisher?

This leads me to two related questions. First, does a next-generation censorship-resistant system need a more resilient technical platform, or more respectable institutions? And second, if technological change causes respectable old-media organisations such as the Guardian and the New York Times to go bust and be replaced by blogs, what happens to freedom of the press, and indeed to freedom of speech?

Resumption of the crypto wars?

The Telegraph and Guardian reported yesterday that the government plans to install deep packet inspection kit at ISPs, a move considered and then apparently rejected by the previous government (our Database State report last year found their Interception Modernisation Programme to be almost certainly illegal). An article in the New York Times on comparable FBI/NSA proposals makes you wonder whether policy is being coordinated between Britain and America.

In each case, the police and spooks argue that they used to have easy access to traffic data — records of who called whom and when — so now people communicate using facebook, gmail and second life rather than with phones, they should be allowed to harvest data about who wrote on your wall, what emails appeared on your gmail inbox page, and who stood next to you in second life. This data will be collected on everybody and will be available to investigators who want to map suspects’ social networks. A lot of people opposed this, including the Lib Dems, who promised to “end the storage of internet and email records without good reason” and wrote this into the Coalition Agreement. The Coalition seems set to reinterpret this now that the media are distracted by the spending review.

We were round this track before with the debate over key escrow in the 1990s. Back then, colleagues and I wrote of the risks and costs of insisting that communications services be wiretap-ready. One lesson from the period was that the agencies clung to their old business model rather than embracing all the new opportunities; they tried to remain Bletchley Park in the age of Google. Yet GCHQ people I’ve heard recently are still stuck in the pre-computer age, having learned nothing and forgotten nothing. As for the police, they can’t really cope with the forensics for the PCs, phones and other devices that fall into their hands anyway. This doesn’t bode well, either for civil liberties or for national security.

The Smart Card Detective: a hand-held EMV interceptor

During my MPhil within the Computer Lab (supervised by Markus Kuhn) I developed a card-sized device (named Smart Card Detective – in short SCD) that can monitor Chip and PIN transactions. The main goal of the SCD was to offer a trusted display for anyone using credit cards, to avoid scams such as tampered terminals which show an amount on their screen but debit the card another (see this paper by Saar Drimer and Steven Murdoch). However, the final result is a more general device, which can be used to analyse and modify any part of an EMV (protocol used by Chip and PIN cards) transaction.

Using the SCD we have successfully shown how the relay attack can be mitigated by showing the real amount on the trusted display. Even more, we have tested the No PIN vulnerability (see the paper by Murdoch et al.) with the SCD. A reportage on this has been shown on Canal+ (video now available here).

After the “Chip and PIN is broken” paper was published some contra arguments referred to the difficulty of setting up the attack. The SCD can also show that such assumptions are many times incorrect.

More details on the SCD are on my MPhil thesis available here. Also important, the software is open source and along with the hardware schematics can be found in the project’s page. The aim of this is to make the SCD a useful tool for EMV research, so that other problems can be found and fixed.

Thanks to Saar Drimer, Mike Bond, Steven Murdoch and Sergei Skorobogatov for the help in this project. Also thanks to Frank Stajano and Ross Anderson for suggestions on the project.