Category Archives: Security engineering

Bad security, good security, case studies, lessons learned

USENIX WOOT07, Exploiting Concurrency Vulnerabilities in System Call Wrappers, and the Evil Genius

I’ve spent the day at the First USENIX Workshop on Offensive Technologies (WOOT07) — an interesting new workshop on attack strategies and technologies. The workshop highlights the tension between the “white” and “black” hats in security research — you can’t design systems to avoid security problems if you don’t understand what they are. USENIX‘s take on such a forum is less far down the questionable ethical spectrum than some other venues, but it certainly presented and talked about both new exploits for new vulnerabilities, and techniques for evading current protections in concrete detail.

I presented, “Exploiting Concurrency Vulnerabilities in System Call Wrappers,” a paper on the topic of compromising system call interposition-based protection systems, such as COTS virus scanners, OpenBSD and NetBSD’s Systrace, the TIS Generic Software Wrappers Toolkit (GSWTK), and CerbNG. The key insight here is that the historic assumption of “atomicity” of system calls is falacious, and that on both uniprocessor and multiprocessing systems, it is trivial to construct a race between system call wrappers and malicious user processes to bypass protections. I demonstrated sample exploit code against the Sysjail policy on Systrace, and IDwrappers on GSWTK, but the paper includes a more extensive discussion including vulnerabilities in sudo‘s Systrace monitor mode. You can read the paper and see the presentation slides here. All affected vendors received at least six months, and in some cases many years advance notice regarding these vulnerabilities.

The moral, for those unwilling to read the paper, is that system call wrappers are a bad idea, unless of course, you’re willing to rewrite the OS to be message-passing. Systems like the TrustedBSD MAC Framework on FreeBSD and Mac OS X Leopard, Linux Security Modules (LSM), Apple’s (and now also NetBSD’s) kauth(9), and other tightly integrated kernel security frameworks offer specific solutions to these concurrency problems. There’s plenty more to be done in that area.

Concurrency issues have been discussed before in computer security, especially relating to races between applications when accessing /tmp, unexpected signal interruption of socket operations, and distributed systems races, but this paper starts to explore the far more sordid area of OS kernel concurrency and security. Given that even notebook computers are multiprocessor these days, emphasizing the importance of correct synchronization and reasoning about high concurrency is critical to thinking about security correctly. As someone with strong interests in both OS parallelism and security, the parallels (no pun intended) seem obvious: in both cases, the details really matter, and it requires thinking about a proverbial Cartesian Evil Genius. Anyone who’s done serious work with concurrent systems knows that they are actively malicious, so a good alignment for the infamous malicious attacker in security research!

Some of the other presentations have included talks about Google’s software fuzzing tool Flayer based on Valgrind, attacks on deployed SIP systems including AT&T’s product, Bluetooth sniffing with BlueSniff, and quantitative analyses of OS fingerprinting techniques. USENIX members will presumably be able to read the full set of papers online immediately; for others, check back in a year or visit the personal web sites of the speakers after you look at the WOOT07 Programme.

The role of software engineering in electronic elections

Many designs for trustworthy electronic elections use cryptography to assure participants that the result is accurate. However, it is a system’s software engineering that ensures a result is declared at all. Both good software engineering and cryptography are thus necessary, but so far cryptography has drawn more attention. In fact, the software engineering aspects could be just as challenging, because election systems have a number of properties which make them almost a pathological case for robust design, implementation, testing and deployment.

Currently deployed systems are lacking in both software robustness and cryptographic assurance — as evidenced by the English electronic election fiasco. Here, in some cases the result was late and in others the electronic count was abandoned due to system failures resulting from poor software engineering. However, even where a result was returned, the black-box nature of auditless electronic elections brought the accuracy of the count into doubt. In the few cases where cryptography was used it was poorly explained and didn’t help verify the result either.

End-to-end cryptographically assured elections have generated considerable research interest and the resulting systems, such as Punchscan and Prêt à Voter, allow voters to verify the result while maintaining their privacy (provided they understand the maths, that is — the rest of us will have to trust the cryptographers). These systems will permit an erroneous result to be detected after the election, whether caused by maliciousness or more mundane software flaws. However should this occur, or if a result is failed to be returned at all, the election may need to fall back on paper backups or even be re-run — a highly disruptive and expensive failure.

Good software engineering is necessary but, in the case of voting systems, may be especially difficult to achieve. In fact, such systems have more similarities to the software behind rocket launches than more conventional business productivity software. We should thus expect the consequential high costs and, despite all this extra effort, that the occasional catastrophe will be inevitable. The remainder of this post will discuss why I think this is the case, and how manually-counted paper ballots circumvent many of these difficulties.

Continue reading The role of software engineering in electronic elections

Digital signatures hit the road

For about thirty years now, security researchers have been talking about using digital signatures in court. Thousands of academic papers have had punchlines like “the judge then raises X to the power Y, finds it’s equal to Z, and sends Bob to jail”. So far, this has been pleasant speculation.

Now the rubber starts to hit the road. Since 2006 trucks in Europe have been using digital tachographs. Tachographs record a vehicle’s speed history and help enforce restrictions on drivers’ working hours. For many years they have used circular waxed paper charts, which have been accepted in court as evidence just like any other paper record. However, paper charts are now being replaced with smartcards. Each driver has a card that records 28 days of infringement history, protected by digital signatures. So we’ve now got the first widely-deployed system in which digital sigantures are routinely adduced in evidence. The signed records are being produced to support prosecutions for working too long hours, for speeding, for tachograph tampering, and sundry other villainy.

So do magistrates really raise X to the power Y, find it’s equal to Z, and send Eddie off to jail? Not according to enforcement folks I’ve spoken to. Apparently judges find digital signatures too “difficult” as they’re all in hex. The police, always eager to please, have resolved the problem by applying standard procedures for “securing” digital evidence. When they raid a dodgy trucking company, they image the PC’s disk drive and take copies on DVDs that are sealed in evidence bags. One gets given to the defence and one kept for appeal. The paper logs documenting the procedure are available for Their Worships to inspect. Everyone’s happy, and truckers duly get fined.

In fact the trucking companies are very happy. I understand that 20% of British trucks now use digital tachographs, well ahead of expectations. Perhaps this is not uncorrelated with the fact that digital tachographs keep much less detailed data than could be coaxed out of the old paper charts. Just remember, you read it here first.

Phishing, students, and cheating at the lottery

Every so often I set an exam question to which I actually want to know the answer. A few years back, when the National Lottery franchise was up for tender, I asked students how to cheat at the lottery; the answers were both entertaining and instructive. Having a lot of bright youngsters think about a problem under stress for half an hour gives you rapid, massively-parallel requirements engineering.

This year I asked about phishing: here’s the question. When I set it in February, an important question for the banks was whether to combat phishing with two-factor authentication (give customers a handheld password calculator, as Coutts does) or two-channel authentication (send them an SMS when they make a sensitive transaction, saying for example “if you really meant to send $4000 to Latvia, please enter the code 4715 in your browser now”).

At least two large UK banks are planning to go two-factor – despite eight-figure costs, the ease of real-time man-in-the-middle attacks, and other problems described here and here. Some banks have thought of two-channel but took fright at the prospect that customers might find it hard to use and deluge their call centres. So I set phishing as an exam question, inviting candidates to select two protection mechanisms from a list of four.

The overwhelming majority of the 34 students who answered the question chose two-channel as one of their mechanisms. I’ve recently become convinced this is the right answer, because of feedback from early adopter banks overseas who have experienced no significant usability problems. It was interesting to have this insight confirmed by the “wisdom of crowds”; I’d only got the feedback in the last month or so, and had not told the students.


PS: there’s always some obiter dictum that gives an insight into youth psychology. Here it was the candidate who said the bank should use SSL client certificates plus SMS notification, as that gives you three-factor authentication: something you know (your password), something you have (your SSL cert) and something you are (your phone). So now we know 🙂

Distance bounding against smartcard relay attacks

Steven Murdoch and I have previously discussed issues concerning the tamper resistance of payment terminals and the susceptibility of Chip & PIN to relay attacks. Basically, the tamper resistance protects the banks but not the customers, who are left to trust any of the devices they provide their card and PIN to (the hundreds of different types of terminals do not help here). The problem some customers face is that when fraud happens, they are the ones being blamed for negligence instead of the banks owning up to a faulty system. Exacerbating the problem is the impossibility of customers to prove they have not been negligent with their secrets without the proper data that the banks have, but refuse to hand out.

Continue reading Distance bounding against smartcard relay attacks

Debug mode = hacking tool?

We have recently been implementing an attack on ZigBee communication. The ZigBee chip we have been using works pretty much like any other — it listens on a selected channel and when there is a packet being transmitted, the data is stored in internal buffer. When the whole packet is received, an interrupt is signalled and micro-controller can read out the whole packet at once.

What we needed was a bit more direct access to the MAC layer. The very first idea was to find another chip as we could not do anything at the level of abstraction described. On the second thought, we carefully read the datasheet and found out that there is an “unbuffered mode” for receiving, as well as transmitting data. There is a sentence that reads “Un-buffered mode should be used for evaluation / debugging purposes only”, but why not to give it a go.

It took a while (the datasheet does not really get the description right, there are basic factual mistakes, and the micro-controller was a bit slower to serve hardware interrupts than expected) but we managed to do what we wanted to do — get interesting data before the whole packet is transmitted.

This was not the first occasion when debug mode or debug information saved us from a defeat when implementing an attack. This made me think a bit.

This sort of approach exactly represents the original meaning of hacking and hackers. It seems that this sort of activity is slowly returning to universities as more and more people are implementing attacks to demonstrate their ideas. It is not so much popular (my impression) to implement complicated systems like role-based access control systems because real life shows that there will be “buffer overflows” allowing all the cleverness to be bypassed. Not many people are interested in doing research into software vulnerabilities either. On the other hand, more attacks on hardware (stealthy, subtle ones) are being devised and implemented.

The second issue is much more general. Is it the case that there will always be a way to get around the official (or intended) application interface? Surely, there are products that restrict access to, or remove, debugging options when the product is prepared for production — smart-cards are a typical example. But disabling debug features introduces very strong limitations. It is very hard or even impossible to check correct functionality of the product (hardware chip, piece of software) — something not really desirable when the product should be used as a component in larger systems. And definitely not desirable for hackers …

Devote your day to democracy

The Open Rights Group are looking for volunteers to observe electronic voting/counting pilots, being tested in eleven areas around the UK during the May 3, 2007 elections. Richard and I have volunteered for Bedford pilot, but there are still many other areas that need help. If you have the time to spare, find out the details and sign the pledge. You will need to be fast; the deadline for registering as an observer is April 4, 2007.

The e-voting areas are:

  • Rushmoor
  • Sheffield
  • Shrewsbury & Atcham
  • South Bucks
  • Swindon (near Wroughton, Draycot Foliat, Chisledon)

and the e-counting pilot areas are:

  • Bedford
  • Breckland
  • Dover
  • South Bucks
  • Stratford-upon-Avon
  • Warwick (near Leek Wootton, Old Milverton, Leamington)

One of the strongest objections against e-voting and e-counting is the lack of transparency. The source code for the voting computers is rarely open to audit, and even if it is, voters have no assurance that the device they are using has been loaded with the same software as was validated. To try to find out more about how the e-counting system will work, I sent a freedom of information request to Bedford council.

If you would like to find out more about e-voting and e-counting systems, you might like to consider making your own request, but remember that public bodies are permitted 20 working days (about a month) to reply, so there is not much time before the election. For general information on the Freedom of Information Act, see the guide book from the Campaign for Freedom of Information.

What is the unit of amplification for DoS?

Roger Needham’s work has warned us of the potential damage of Denial-of-Service attacks. Since, protocol designers try to minimize the storage committed to unauthenticated partners, as well as prevent ‘amplification effects’ that could help DoS adversaries: a single unit of network communication should only lead to at most one unit of network communication. This way an adversary cannot use network services to amplify his or her ability to flood other nodes. The key question that arises is: what is the unit of network communication?

My favorite authentication protocol, that incorporates state-of-the-art DoS prevention features, is JFKr (Just Fast Keying with responder anonymity.) An RFC of it is also available for those keen to implement it. JFKr implements a signed ephemeral Diffie-Hellman exchange, with DoS prevention cookies being used by the responder to thwart storage exhaustion DoS attacks directed against him.

The protocol goes a bit like this (full details in section 2.3 of the RFC):

Message 1, I->R: Ni, g^i

Message 2, R->I: Ni, Nr, g^r, GRPINFOr, HMAC{HKr}(Ni, Nr, g^r)

Message 3, I->R: Ni, Nr, g^i, g^r, HMAC{HKr}(Ni, Nr, g^r),
E{Ke}(IDi, sa, SIG{i}(Ni, Nr, g^i, g^r, GRPINFO)),
HMAC{Ka}(‘I’, E{Ke}(IDi, sa, SIG{i}(Ni, Nr, g^i, g^r, GRPINFO)))

Message 4, R->I: E{Ke}(IDr, sa’, SIG{r}(Ni, Nr, g^i, g^r)),
HMAC{Ka}(‘R’, E{Ke}(IDr, sa’, SIG{r}(Ni, Nr, g^i, g^r)))

Note that after message 2. is sent, ‘R’ (the responder) does not need to store anything, since all the data necessary to perform authentication will be sent back by ‘I’ in Message 3. One is also inclined to think that there is no amplification effect that ‘I’ could benefit from for DoS, since the single message 1. generates a single reply i.e. message 2. Is this the case?

We are implementing (at K.U.Leuven) a traffic analysis prevention system, where all data is transported in UDP packets of fixed length 140 bytes. As it happens message 1. is slightly shorter than message 2., since it only carries a single nonce and no cookie. (The JFKi version of the protocol has a message 2. that is even longer.) This means that we have to split the reply in message 2. over two packets carrying 280 bytes in total.

A vanilla implementation of JFKr would allow for the following DoS attack. The adversary sends many message 1. UDP packets pretending to be initiating an authentication session with an unsuspecting server ‘R’ using JFKr. Furthermore the adversary forges the source IP of the UDP packets to make them appear as if they are sent by the victim’s IP address. This costs the adversary a UDP packet of 140 bytes. The server ‘R’ follows the protocol and replies with two UDP packets of 140 bytes each, sent to the victim’s IP address. The adversary can of course perform this attack with many sessions or servers in parallel, and end up with double the number of packets and data being sent to the victim.

What went wrong here? The assumption that one message (1.) is replied with one message (2.) is not sufficient (in our case, but also in general) to guarantee the adversary cannot amplify a DoS attack. One has to count the actual bits and bytes on the wire before making this judgment.

How do we fix this? It is really easy: The responder ‘R’ requires the first message (1.) to be at least as long (in bytes) as the reply message (2.) This can be done by appending a Nonce (J) at the end of the message.

Message 1, I->R: Ni, g^i, J

This forces the attacker to spend to send, byte for byte, as much traffic as will hit the victim’s computer.

Identity theft without identification infrastructure

Recent comments to my last post about biometric passports have raised wider questions about the general purpose, risks and benefits of new government-supplied identification mechanisms (the wider “ID card debate” in the UK). So here is a quick summary of my basic views on this.

For some years now, the UK government has planned to catch up with other European countries in providing a purpose-designed identification infrastructure in order to make life simpler and reduce the risk of identity fraud (impersonation). The most visible of these plans center around a high-integrity identity register that keeps an append-only lifetime record of who exists and how they can be recognized biometrically. People will be able to get security-printed individual copies of their current record in this register (ID card, passport, biometric certificate), which they can easily present for offline verification. (What exact support is planned for remote identification over the telephone or Internet is not quite clear yet, so I’ll exclude that aspect for the moment, although the citizen PKIs already used in Finland, Belgium, etc., and under preparation elsewhere, probably give a good first idea.)

However, such plans have faced vocal opposition in the UK from “privacy advocates”, who have showed great talent in raising continuous media attention to a rather biased view of the subject. Their main refrain is that rather than prevent identity fraud, an identification infrastructure will help identity thieves by making it easier to access the very data that is today used by business to verify identity. I disagree. And I put “privacy advocates” into quotation marks here, because I believe that the existing practice whose continuation they advocate restricts both my privacy and my freedom. Continue reading Identity theft without identification infrastructure

Passports and biometric certificates

A recurring media story over the past half year has been that “a person’s identity can be stolen from new biometric passports”, which are “easy to clone” and therefore “not fit for purpose”. Most of these reports began with a widely quoted presentation by Lukas Grunwald in Las Vegas in August 2006, and continued with a report in the Guardian last November and one in this week’s Daily Mail on experiments by Adam Laurie.

I have closely followed the development of the ISO/ICAO standards for the biometric passport back in 2002/2003. In my view, the worries behind this media coverage are mainly based on a deep misunderstanding of what a “biometric passport” really is. The recent reports bring nothing to light that was not already well understood, anticipated and discussed during the development of the system more than four years ago. Continue reading Passports and biometric certificates