FIPR colleagues and I have written a response to the recent Cabinet Office consultation on the proposed Framework for e-Government. We’re not very impressed. Whitehall’s security advisers don’t seem to understand phishing; they protect information much less when its compromise could harm private citizens, rather than government employees (which is foolish given how terrorists and violent lobby groups work nowadays); and as well as the inappropriate threat model, there are inappropriate policy models. Government departments that follow this advice are likely to build clunky, expensive, insecure systems.
Category Archives: Security economics
Chip & PIN relay attacks
Saar Drimer and myself have shown that the Chip & PIN system, used for card payments in the UK, is vulnerable to a new kind of fraud. By “relaying” information from a genuine card, a Chip & PIN terminal in another shop, can be made to accept a counterfeit card. We previously discussed this possibility in “Chip & Spin” but it was not until now that we implemented and tested the attack.
A fraudster sets up a fake terminal in a busy shop or restaurant. When a genuine customer inserts their card into this terminal, the fraudster’s accomplice, in another shop, inserts their counterfeit card into the merchant’s terminal. The fake terminal reads details from the genuine card, and relays them to the counterfeit card, so that it will be accepted. The PIN is recorded by the fake terminal and sent to the accomplice for them to enter, and they can then walk off with the goods. To the victim, everything was normal, but when their statement arrives, they will find that they have been defrauded.
From the banks’ perspective, there will be nothing unusual about this transaction. To them, it will seem as if the real card was used, with a chip and along with the correct PIN. Banks have previously claimed that if a fraudulent Chip & PIN transaction was placed, then the customer must have been negligent in protecting their card and PIN, and so must be liable. This work shows that despite customers taking all due care in using their card, they can still be the victim of fraud.
For more information, we have a summary of the technique and FAQ. This attack will be featured on Watchdog, tonight (6 February) at 19:00 GMT on BBC One. The programme will show how we successfully sent details between two shops in the same street, but it should work equally well, via mobile phone, to the other side of the world.
It is unlikely that criminals are currently using techniques such as this, as there are less sophisticated attacks which Chip & PIN remains vulnerable to. However, as security is improved, the relay attack may become a significant source of fraud. Therefore, it is important that defences against this attack are deployed sooner rather than later. We discuss defences in our draft academic paper, submitted for review at a peer reviewed conference.
Update (2007-01-10): The segment of Watchdog featuring our contribution has been posted to YouTube.
Human Rights and Biophysics (strange similarities)
I recently received an email from “Daniel” at the “European Human Rights Centre”.
I came across your site while searching the net for
some quality websites. I think you did a great job
with your site.
My name is Daniel. I work for The European Human
Rights Centre (EHRC).
I would like to add your site to our usefull links page
( ) and I was
wondering if you can post a link with our site in
your website.
For your convenience I send you bellow the code
for our website:
<a href="">EHRC</a>
If you have any questions, don't hesitate to
contact me and I'll answer your questions promtly.
We are Nonprofit organization .
Best regards,
European Human Rights Centre Organisation
ETH Honggeberg
CH-8093 Zurich / Switzerland
Tel: +41-1-638-3453
Fax: +41-1-693-10 73 and 693 11 51
But this email is not quite what it seems…. Continue reading Human Rights and Biophysics (strange similarities)
Shishir wins BCS best student award
Security group member Shishir Nagaraja has won the BCS best PhD student award for his paper The topology of covert conflict. The judges remarked that “the work made an important contribution to traffic analysis in an area that had been previously overlooked; the authors used realistic models with clear results and exciting directions for future research.”
A Study on The Value of Location Privacy
There is a Workshop on Privacy in The Electronic Society taking place at the beginning of November. We (George Danezis, Marek Kumpost, Vashek Matyas, and me) will present there results of A Study on the value of Location Privacy we have conducted a half year back.
We questioned a sample of over 1200 people from five EU countries, and used tools from experimental psychology and economics to extract from them the value they attach to their location data. We compare this value across national groups, gender and technical awareness, but also the perceived difference between academic use and commercial exploitation. We provide some analysis of the self-selection bias of such a study, and look further at the valuation of location data over time using data from another experiment.
The countries we gathered the data from were Germany, Belgium, Greece, the Czech Republic, and the Slovak Republic. As some of the countries have local currencies, we have re-calculated the values of bids in different countries by using a “value of money” coefficient computed as a ratio of average salaries and price levels in particular countries — this data was taken from Eurostat statistics.
We have gathered bids for three auctions or scenarios. The first and second bids were for one-month tracking. The former data were to be used for academic purposes only, and the latter for commercial purposes. The third bids were for the scenario where participants agreed with a year long tracking and data free for commercial exploitation. Let us start with the first bids.
Differences among Countries
The distributions of the first bids are on the following plot. Although there are differences between all nations, the Greek bids are beyond our expectations.
Distributions of bids in the first auction round.
With a single bound it was free!
My book on Security Engineering is now available online for free download here.
I have two main reasons. First, I want to reach the widest possible audience, especially among poor students. Second, I am a pragmatic libertarian on free culture and free software issues; I believe many publishers (especially of music and software) are too defensive of copyright. I don’t expect to lose money by making this book available for free: more people will read it, and those of you who find it useful will hopefully buy a copy. After all, a proper book is half the size and weight of 300-odd sheets of laser-printed paper in a ring binder.
I’d been discussing this with my publishers for a while. They have been persuaded by the experience of authors like David MacKay, who found that putting his excellent book on coding theory online actually helped its sales. So book publishers are now learning that freedom and profit are not really in conflict; how long will it take the music industry?
"Identity fraud" again
The National Consumer Council has published a report on “identity fraud” which is rather regrettable.
Identity fraud is not fraud, from the consumer’s viewpoint. If someone pretends to be me, borrows 10K from the Derbyshire Building Society and vanishes, it’s the building society that’s the victim, not me. If Experian then says I’m a loan defaulter when I’m not, that’s libel. Suing for libel may be expensive, but the Information Commissioner has announced his willingness to issue enforcement notices against the credit agencies in such circumstances. The NCC should have advertised this fact and encouraged people to go to him.
“Identity fraud” is an objectionable concept, an attempt by the banks to dump some liability. The Home Office egg them on because they think that rebadging credit-card fraud as “identity fraud” will help sell identity cards. But it’s a bad show when consumer organisations collude with an attempt to make consumers the victims of bankers’ and credit reference agencies’ negligence.
Stolen mobiles story
I was just on Sky TV to debunk today’s initiative from the Home Office. The Home Secretary claimed that more rapid notification of stolen phone IMEIs between UK operators would have a significant effect on street crime.
I’m not so sure. Most mobiles stolen in the UK go abroad – the cheap ones to the third world and the flash ones to developed countries whose operators don’t subsidise handsets. As for the UK secondhand market, most mobiles can be reprogrammed (even though this is illegal). Lowering their street price is, I expect, a hard problem – like raising the street price of drugs.
What the Home Office might usefully do is to crack down on mobile operators who continue to bill customers after they have reported their phones stolen and cancelled their accounts. That is a scandal. Government’s role in problems like this is to straighten out the incentives and to stop the big boys from dumping risk on their customers.
Health IT Report
Late last year I wrote a report for the National Audit Office on the health IT expenditure, strategies and goals of the UK and a number of other developed countries. This showed that our National Program for IT is in many ways an outlier, and high-risk. Now that the NAO has published its own report, we’re allowed to make public our contribution to it.
Readers may recall that I was one of 23 computing professors who wrote to Parliament’s Health Select Committee asking for a technical review of this NHS computing project, which seems set to become the biggest computer project disaster ever. My concernes were informed by the NAO work.
Powers, Powers, and yet more Powers …
Our beloved government is once again Taking Powers in the fight against computer crime. The Home Office proposes to create cyber-asbos that would enable the police to ban suspects from using such dangerous tools as computers and bank accounts. This would be done in a civil court against a low evidence standard; there are squeals from the usual suspects such as zdnet.
The Home Office proposals will also undermine existing data protection law; for example by allowing the banks to process sensitive data obtained from the public sector (medical record privacy, anyone?) and ‘dispelling misconceptions about consent’. I suppose some might welcome the proposed extension of ASBOs to companies. Thus, a company with repeated convictions for antitrust violations might be saddled with a list of harm-prevention conditions, for example against designing proprietary server-side protocols or destroying emails. I wonder what sort of responses the computer industry will make to this consultation 🙂
A cynic might point out that the ‘new powers’ seem in inverse proportion to the ability, or will, to use the existing ones. Ever since the South Sea Bubble in the 18th century, Britain has been notoriously lax in prosecuting bent bankers; city folk are now outraged when a Texas court dares to move from talk to action. Or take spam; although it’s now illegal to send unsolicited commercial emails to individuals in the UK, complaints don’t seem to result in action. Now trade and industry minister ‘Enver’ Hodge explains this is because there’s a loophole – it’s not illegal to spam businesses. So rather than prosecuting a spammer for spamming individuals, our beloved government will grab a headline or two by blocking this loophole. I don’t suppose Enver ever stopped to wonder how many spam runs are so well managed as to not send a single item to a single private email address – cheap headlines are more attractive than expensive, mesy implementation.
This pattern of behaviour – taking new powers rather than using the existing ones – is getting too well entrenched. In cyberspace we don’t have law enforcement any more – we have the illusion of law enforcement.