All posts by Frank Stajano

Pico: no more passwords!

Passwords are no longer acceptable as a security mechanism. The arrogant security people ask users that passwords be memorable, unguessable, high entropy, all different and never written down. With the proliferation of the number of passwords and the ever-increasing brute-force capabilities of modern computers, passwords of adequate strength are too complicated for human memory, especially when one must remember dozens of them. The above demands cannot all be satisfied simultaneously. Users are right to be pissed off.

A number of proposals have attempted to find better alternatives for the case of web authentication, partly because the web is the foremost culprit in the proliferation of passwords and partly because its clean interfaces make technical solutions tractable.

For the poor user, however, a password is a password, and it’s still a pain in the neck regardless of where it comes from. Users aren’t fed up with web passwords but with passwords altogether. In “Pico: no more passwords, the position paper I’ll be presenting tomorrow morning at the Security Protocols Workshop, I propose a clean-slate design to get rid of passwords everywhere, not just online. A portable gadget called Pico transforms your credentials from “what you know” into “what you have”.

A few people have already provided interesting feedback on the pre-proceedings draft version of the paper. I look forward to an animated discussion of this controversial proposal tomorrow. Whenever I serve as help desk for my non-geek acquaintances and listen to what drives them crazy about computers I feel ashamed that, with passwords, we (the security people) impose on them such a contradictory and unsatisfiable set of requests. Maybe your gut reaction to Pico will be “it’ll never work”, but I believe we have a duty to come up with something more usable than passwords.

[UPDATE: the paper can also be downloaded from my own Cambridge web site, where the final version will appear in due course.]

Multichannel protocols against relay attacks

Until now it was widely believed that the only defense against relay attacks was distance bounding. In a paper presented today at Financial Cryptography 2010 we introduce a conceptually new approach for detecting and preventing relay attacks, using multichannel protocols.

We have been working on multichannel protocols since 2005. Different channels have different advantages and disadvantages and therefore one may build a better security protocol by combining different channels for different messages in the protocol trace. (For example a radio channel like Bluetooth has high bandwidth, low latency and good usability but leaves you in doubt as to whether the message really came from the announced sender; whereas a visual channel in which you acquire a barcode with a scanner or camera has low bandwidth and poorer usability but gives stronger assurance about where the message came from.)

In this new paper we apply the multichannel paradigm to the problem of countering relay attacks. We introduce a family of protocols in which at least one message is sent over a special “unrelayable” channel. The core idea is that one channel connects the verifier to the principal with whom she shares the prearranged secret K, while another channel (the unrelayable one) connects her to the prover who is actually in front of her; and the men in the middle, however much they relay, can’t get it right on both of these channels simultaneously.

We convey this idea with several stories. Don’t take them too literally but they let us illustrate and discuss all the key security points.

Don't let anyone else reuse this banknote!

This work is exciting for us because it opens up a new field. We look forward to other researchers following it up with implementations of unrelayable channels and with formal tools for the analysis of such protocols.

Frank Stajano, Ford-Long Wong, Bruce Christianson. Multichannel protocols to prevent relay attacks (preliminary; the final revised version of the full paper will be published in Springer LNCS)

The Real Hustler

Paul Wilson, my esteemed coauthor on that paper on the psychology of scam victims that is currently attracting quite a bit of attention, has just started an entertaining and instructive new blog, The Real Hustler. If you liked our paper, you’ll probably enjoy Paul’s blog.

Well worth a bookmark and repeat visits for fans of the BBC TV series and for researchers who recognize the importance of the exciting new field of security psychology.

The Real Hustle and the psychology of scam victims

This, which started as a contribution to Ross’s Security and Psychology initiative, is probably my most entertaining piece of research this year and it’s certainly getting its bit of attention.

I’ve been a great fan of The Real Hustle since 2006, which I recommend to anyone with an interest in security, and it has been good fun to work with the TV show’s coauthor Paul Wilson on this paper. We analyze the scams reproduced in the show, we extract general principles from them that describe typical behavioural patterns exploited by hustlers and then we show how an awareness of these principles can also strengthen systems security.

In a few months I have given versions of this talk around the world: Boston, London, Athens, London, Cambridge, Munich—to the security and psychology crowd, to computer researchers, to professional programmers—and it never failed to attract interest. This is what Yahoo’s Chris Heilmann wrote in his blog when I gave the talk at StackOverflow to an audience of 250 programmers:

The other talk I was able to attend was Frank Stajano, a resident lecturer and security expert (and mighty sword-bearer). His talk revolved around application security but instead of doing the classic “prevent yourself from XSS/SQL injection/CSRF” spiel, Frank took a different route. BBC TV in the UK has a program called The Real Hustle which shows how people are scammed by tricksters and gamblers and the psychology behind these successful scams. Despite the abysmal Guy Ritchie style presentation of the show, it is full of great information: Frank and a colleague conducted a detailed research and analysis of all the attacks and the reasons why they work. The paper on the research is available: Seven principles for systems security (PDF). A thoroughly entertaining and fascinating presentation and a great example of how security can be explained without sounding condescending or drowning the audience in jargon. I really hope that there is a recording of the talk.

I´m giving the talk again at the Computer Laboratory on Tuesday 17 November in the Security Seminars series. The full write-up is available for download as a tech report.

Location privacy

I was recently asked for a brief (4-page) invited paper for a forthcoming special issue of the ACM SIGSPATIAL on privacy and security of location-based systems, so I wrote Foot-driven computing: our first glimpse of location privacy issues.

In 1989 at ORL we developed the Active Badge, the first indoor location system: an infrared transmitter worn by personnel that allowed you to tell which room the wearer was in. Every press and TV reporter who visited our lab worried about the intrusiveness of this technology; yet, today, all those people happily carry mobile phones through which they can be tracked anywhere they go. The significance of the Active Badge project was to give us a head start of a few years during which to think about location privacy before it affected hundreds of millions of people. (There is more on our early ubiquitous computing work at ORL in this free excerpt from my book.)
The ORL Active Badge

Location privacy is a hard problem to solve, first because ordinary people don’t seem to actually care, and second because there is a misalignment of incentives: those who could do the most to address the problem are the least affected and the least concerned about it. But we have a responsibility to address it, in the same way that designers of new vehicles have a responsibility to address the pollution and energy consumption issue.

Security issues in ubiquitous computing

I have written the security chapter for a multi-author volume on ubiquitous computing that will be published by Springer later this year. For me it was an opportunity to pull together some of the material I have been collecting for a possible second edition of my 2002 book on Security for Ubiquitous Computing—but of course a 30-page chapter can be nothing more than a brief introduction.

Anyway, here is a “release candidate” copy of the chapter, which will ship to the book editors in a couple of weeks. Comments are welcome, either on the chapter itself or, based on this preview, on what you’d like me to discuss in my own full-length book when I yield to the repeated pleas of John Wiley And Sons and sit down to write a new edition.

Forensic genomics

I recently presented a paper on Forensic genomics: kin privacy, driftnets and other open questions (co-authored with Lucia Bianchi, Pietro Liò and Douwe Korff) at WPES 2008, the Workshop for Privacy in the Electronic Society of ACM CCS, the ACM Computer and Communication Security conference. Pietro and I also gave a related talk here at the Computer Laboratory in Cambridge.

While genetics is concerned with the observation of specific sections of DNA, genomics is about studying the entire genome of an organism, something that has only become practically possible in recent years. In forensic genetics, which is the technology behind the large national DNA databases being built in several countries including notably UK and USA (Wallace’s outstanding article lucidly exposes many significant issues), investigators compare scene-of-crime samples with database samples by checking if they match, but only on a very small number of specific locations in the genome (e.g. 13 locations according to the CODIS rules). In our paper we explore what might change when forensic analysis moves from genetics to genomics over the next few decades. This is a problem that can only be meaningfully approached from a multi-disciplinary viewpoint and indeed our combined backgrounds cover computer security, bioinformatics and law.

CODIS markers
(Image from Wikimedia commons, in turn from NIST.)

Sequencing the first human genome (2003) cost 2.7 billion dollars and took 13 years. The US’s National Human Genome Research Institute has offered over 20 M$ worth of grants towards the goal of driving the cost of whole-genome sequencing down to a thousand dollars. This will enable personalized genomic medicine (e.g. predicting genetic risk of contracting specific diseases) but will also open up a number of ethical and privacy-related problems. Eugenetic abortions, genomic pre-screening as precondition for healthcare (or even just dating…), (mis)use of genomic data for purposes other than that for which it was collected and so forth. In various jurisdictions there exists legislation (such as the recent GINA in the US) that attempts to protect citizens from some of the possible abuses; but how strongly is it enforced? And is it enough? In the forensic context, is the DNA analysis procedure as infallible as we are led to believe? There are many subtleties associated with the interpretation of statistical results; when even professional statisticians disagree, how are the poor jurors expected to reach a fair verdict? Another subtle issue is kin privacy: if the scene-of-crime sample, compared with everyone in the database, partially matches Alice, this may be used as a hint to investigate all her relatives, who aren’t even in the database; indeed, some 1980s murders were recently solved in this way. “This raises compelling policy questions about the balance between collective security and individual privacy” [Bieber, Brenner, Lazer, 2006]. Should a democracy allow such a “driftnet” approach of suspecting and investigating all the innocents in order to catch the guilty?

This is a paper of questions rather than one of solutions. We believe an informed public debate is needed before the expected transition from genetics to genomics takes place. We want to stimulate discussion and therefore we invite you to read the paper, make up your mind and support what you believe are the right answers.

The real hustle on BBC3: watch it!

For UK residents: BBC Three is re-running their wonderful 10-episode series “The Real Hustle” in which three skilled con artists give, with hidden cameras, a revealing and entertaining guided tour of the most popular scams used to rip off people today. Some computer-based (including keyloggers, bluejacking and bank card cloning), most not.

This series should be required viewing for all security professionals and most definitely for all security students. The only way to understand security is by understanding what crooks actually do. It’s also great fun.

Each episode is re-broadcast several times, from prime time to middle-of-the-night, so you usually get several chances to set your digital video recorder if the programme overlaps with something else you want to watch or record. Check the EPG.